"Red Grapes in a Glass Bowl"
11" x 8.5"
Soft Pastel on Canson Mi-Teintes Paper

I rarely like to revisit a subject but I really enjoyed painting red grapes a years ago and I loved trying to capture a clear, glass container.  My first painting of red grapes is no longer in my inventory so I decided to create a new one for my May 1st show.

This is the next-to-last painting for that show.  I am away from home for the weekend at the state speech and debate tournament so no painting until next week.  All of my new frames have arrived so I'm nearly ready to pack and go.

It's been a wonderful art week for me.  My students did incredibly well at their last high school competition, I've sold three paintings - one right after the other and I've had two commissions for personalized watercolors. 


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