"Little Red Trike"
4" x 4" Colored Pencil on 80lb Paper

Just finished this itty, bitty piece as a donation for The Circle of Friends Cancer Fundraiser coming up in October.  Each year I donate a piece for their silent auction and I have been pleased that some of my close friends have purchased my pieces and contributed to this important cause.  I love when something I've created is loved by someone I know. 

This piece is small but has lots of vivid color.  My third and fourth year, advanced placement students have been working on warm-up drawings using an old tricycle and bicycle as their subject matter.  I decided to join in the fun and create one of my own.  Colored pencil work is extremely time consuming no matter what size it is.  I apply layers and layers of thick color blended together so the finished piece has the qualities of painting.  Now that it's done, I am going to frame it in a glossy red frame with a wide, white mat.

I hope someone has a sweet memory of a little red tricycle and gives it a good home.


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