5" x 5" Watercolor, Ink & Colored Pencil on Old Dictionary Page
I am obsessed with drawing on pages I've torn out of a discarded, library dictionary. In fact, for a brief time I got the bright idea that I would create 40 dictionary drawings in 40 days as part of Lent - well that ain't happening. However, I am having a grand time playing on these old pages and I have more ideas than time.
A pastor at our local church gave me a gift card as thanks for painting the scenery for our Christmas nativity and I recently used it to purchase a new brand of colored pencils. I love trying out different brands and this time I purchased some Derwent Coloursoft pencils - Wow! I love how these are a strange combination of colored pencil and pastels. They are not as waxy as traditional colored pencils. I also recently purchased some brown Micron ink pens after seeing a really clever children's book illustrated in watercolor and brown pen. This little piece included all of those great, new supplies.
Just for fun, I decided to digitally add some text to the piece. Drawing on dictionary pages isn't anything new and I've discovered a lot of artists do digital prints on vintage papers and sell them. I thought adding text might be a creative touch to possible prints. I may even print some out and varnish them on wooden blocks....who knows. Tell me what you think.