Now the whole space is filled with images.  After I took this photo, I painted out the cone flower centered right under the butterfly.  Now comes my favorite part - putting in details, establishing strong values and high contrast and giving it some jazz.  Hopefully it will now come to life. 

I think I will fiddle around with the border by adding some pattern.  My daughter Lindsay started her own banner and I've discovered a number of good friends have joined in the project, too. 

I have the banner set up in my classroom next to my desk where I can monitor my students while they finish their portfolios, work on progressive print making or complete final watercolor assignments depending on which class they are in.  I've been fortunate to have my conference period right after lunch so I have a chunk of time in the middle of the day to concentrate on the piece depending on interruptions and paperwork.  I can't believe we only have three weeks of school left before summer break!


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